Saša Petejan
Journalism and independent interviewing, oral history methods, first person accounts and their contextualizing are central to my activities.

Manca Juvan
Above being a photographer, I consider myself a storyteller. Photographing life in a way that puts content before form, and goes beyond creating “evidence” of existence, is something that interests me in my photography based projects.

Urška Strle, PhD

It's the human past that turns my research sensors on, as I believe it's important to link the knowledge of the past with present times. For what's happened, may happen again.

One Comment

  1. Just wanted to ask if you would be interested in getting external help with graphic design? We do all design work like banners, advertisements, photo edits, logos, flyers, etc. for a fixed monthly fee.

    We don't charge for each task. What kind of work do you need on a regular basis? Let me know and I'll share my portfolio with you.


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